Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Name: Tofu-san
Age: unknown
Kind: Japanese tofu
Home: Japan
Occupation: being nutritious
Obsessions: miso; soy sauce; bonito; sesame oil; seaweed
Dislikes: deep frying; hot-pots; good appetites
Most proud of: tattoos (they're on either side of his head)
Dreams of: getting back to homeland without being eaten

Bio: Tofu-san is hard to catch in one place. He darts about often because he is afraid of being eaten. He's pictured here, trying to squeeze some empathy out of a Hostess Cupcake. Tofu-san is currently hiding out in the United States. He was able to escape from Taiwan and what would have been his last moments in a night market hot-pot. Tofu-san recently sent an emissary overseas in the hopes that this will help him get back to his own nation, Japan. Little does he know; this agent ended up in Puerto Rico.


At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tofu-san: The owl flies at night in Puerto Rico... The OWL flies at NIGHT in PUERTO RICO...
a friend

At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so confused!


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