Hong Kong Breese
Name: Hong Kong Breese
Age: 27
Kind: basset hound
Home: Philadelphia, PA
Occupation: singing; being adored
Likes: sleeping with Karen (his mom)
Dislikes: being mocked (especially in that falsetto voice that humans so commonly & incorrectly attribute to stuffed animals); Aunt Carrie, who pulled his ear off; anyone who will not acknowledge that he in fact possesses two ghost eyes and one ghost ear
Most proud of: his nose
Dreams of: running free; finding other ear; meeting van Gogh to discuss 'the situation'
Family: Bruce Matyok-von Roach (archives: Dec.06.2005)
Friends: The (archives: Nov.30.2005); Fred (archives: Dec.03.2005); Piggy (archives: Dec.09.2005)
Bio: Hong Kong was named after his place of birth, as indicated on his tag. He has been loved and adored by Karen since 1978.
you're so cute!
Trying to contact Karen Breese- Remember tim and veronica? email me! velmer@netzero.net We're from your past (could be your present and future....)
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